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  • File-Size Limit 10mb
  • Columns Name - S.No,Question Text,[Options //1,2,3 or A,B,C],Correct Answer, Difficulty, Section, Explanation, Multiple, Weight(As per the number of options e.g Weight 1, Weight 2 .....)
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Questions Total : {{numOfQuestions}}

{{c_name}} > {{t_name}}
  • {{$index+1}})

    Compulsory :

    Weight: {{ option.weight }}
    Answer : {{question.correct_ans_sb}}

    Multiple Correct Type:

    Type: Weighted MCQ
    Total Marks:

    Multiple Correct Type:


Question :

Section :

Type :

Options :

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Explanation :

Option Weights :

Note: Only Integer values greater than or equal to 0 will be accepted (Default Value : 0)

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